All functions |
nlme::ergoStool, labeled |
datasets::mtcars, factored and labeled |
Unicode characters from most of the tables from Wikipedia's "List of Unicode characters" |
.onAttach start message |
.onLoad getOption package settings |
erikmisc_attach |
Conflicts between the erikmisc and other packages |
The erikmisc logo, using ASCII or Unicode characters |
List all packages in the erikmisc |
A1c category labels using CDC classification or user-defined categories |
BMI Calculation |
BMI category labels using CDC classification |
ECURE Lower- to upper-division transition metric |
ECURE Lower- to upper-division transition metric, v2 |
ECURE scale the LUDTM when less than expected |
ECURE Upper Division Expectation (UDE) |
PHQ-2 category labels using Table 4 from Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Psychiatric Annals 2002;32:509-521 |
PHQ-9 category labels using Table 4 from Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Psychiatric Annals 2002;32:509-521 |
Combine rows with different data values |
Coalesce column set |
Complete multiple key ID variables |
Convert centimeters (cm) to inches (in) |
Convert Datetime to Excel datetime |
Convert Date to Excel date |
Convert Excel datetime to Datetime |
Convert Excel date to Date |
convert letter grades to GPA equivalent |
Convert inches (in) to centimeters (cm) |
Convert kilograms (kg) to pounds (lb) |
Convert pounds (lb) to kilograms (kg) |
Logistic: Convert from log(Odds Ratio) to Probability |
Logit: Convert from Probability to log(Odds Ratio) |
Convert from Odds Ratio to Probability |
Convert from Probability to Odds Ratio |
Convert all factor variables to their numeric factor levels |
Clear labels from variables in data frames |
All Determine Duplicate Elements |
Create a Data Frame from All Combinations of Data Frames |
Extract numbers from a string |
Print head and tail of a data.frame |
check a function and if there's an error return an indication that we can ifelse() to either run for real or skip |
Linear interpolation and extrapolation of y conditional on spacing of x |
Best subset selection returns results sorted by BIC |
Return table of model selection criteria |
Multiple regression power analysis |
Print an lm() anova table to html |
Print an lm() summary table to html |
Log2 nonnegative numbers after offsetting 0 by minimum non-zero value. |
Match the closest observations from one dataset to a key dataset. |
Capture a message, warning, or error to take actions |
All model subsets |
All variable subsets |
Compute Koch Chart density altitude, takeoff roll, and climb rate |
Create blank ggplot grob plot used as a place holder |
Visual comparison of whether Bootstrap sampling distribution of the mean is close to Normal |
Visual comparison of whether Bootstrap sampling distribution of the difference in means is close to Normal |
Interval for plot breaks, determine a "nice" length of seq(by = Interval) |
Cleaning numeric values for nonnumeric and large/small values, similarly for dates. |
ANOVA-style dot-plot comparing means |
Correlation plot with ellipses |
Extract ggplot legend as it's own plot grob object |
For corner labels, remove the labs(tag=) argument and use this |
Add corner labels to all grobs in a list using |
Plotting residual diagnostics for an lm() object. |
Longitudinal interaction plots |
Plots missing data in a data.frame, possibly grouped by one variable and sorted by a second. |
Graphical Assessment (QQ-plot) for assessing Multivariate Normality |
Compute and plot all contrasts and test results from a linear model by automating the use of emmeans tables and plots. |
A function to calculate the ROC curve, determine the optimal threshold, plot the curve, and provide classification statistics |
Plot scatterplot of a numeric y-variable against a numeric or categorical x-variable, by up to one color factor or numeric variable and two facets factor variables |
Calculate proportions and plot factor variable by up to two other factor variables |
Plot the result of a t-test by shading the p-value area under the t-distribution |
Return star symbols for ranges between a set of p-values, or any set of numbers |
Read a list of csv, xls, or xlsx data into a list of tibbles |
Read data from subdirectories into a structured list |
Combine multiple header rows into a column name for a text data frame |
REDCap data, reading and formatting data |
REDCap variable labeling, replace Hmisc |
REDCap data, use ".factor" var with original variable label |
Match and replace less complete rows with most complete row |
Read an Rmd rmarkdown file and apply enumerated code chunks |
A function to calculate ROC curve, calculate area under the curve (AUC), calculate the optimal threshold, plot the curve, and classify the peaks. |
Source all *.R files in a folder |
Split a (set of) item-listing columns into indicator columns |
Table 1 demographics summaries |
Aggregate a set of variables by another set of variables with a specific function |
Print a data.frame table for latex and scale to fit page |
Create a frequency/proportion summary table by a set of variables |
Replace Unicode with ASCII |
Return text of alternative hypothesis via modified code from stats::print.htest |
Boolean operator "not in" |
package_version |
Print for erikmisc_logo |